Friday, December 9, 2016

Dear Patton

Dear Patton,

    I hope this reaches you well. You need to read this. As you can see, I've used my real name, since I don't give a shit about who knows, and I will stand by every single thing I ever say. You fucking pathetic, condescending, crybaby piece of doughy shit. Do you know how much I hate you? You've spent years doing nothing but bad-mouthing your fellow Americans, telling them they're too stupid to think for themselves, that their opinions don't matter, so on, so forth. You seem to feel like you're somehow above reproach, or that your input is somehow worth more than others', because you played a pudgy loser on a T.V. show and told a few jokes. Believe it or not, there is no one in this country who wants to suck the farts out of your ass; they already get their fill every time you hurl unsolicited scoldings at them for disagreeing with you.
    Let me put this plainly: You're an asshole. You're nothing but a bitter, fat tyrant of an asshole. There is nothing remotely funny about you - not because you have shitty material, but because of who you are as a person. It's like if Jenna Jameson were clubbing seals and punching children, I couldn't bring myself to sleep with her even if she offered, glorious tits notwithstanding. You're not nearly as righteous as you seem to think you are; in fact, making a career out of autistically screeching at everyone who disagrees with you like a craven little fucking shit-for-brains Commie twat actually makes you a TERRIBLE person. All that ever leaves your pudgy little cake chute is contempt for people you deem beneath you, and for what? They didn't vote for that cunt the media was trying to shove down our throats? Because they made their own decisions about how best to put food on their tables, and ignored the demands of Hollywood snobs? HAH, fuck you, you presumptuous dipshit.
    Did you and the rest of your idiot buddies really think that you were on course to a 1-party America, where you hold the eternal moral high ground while shaming and legislating dissent away? Did you really believe we were going to put up with all your elitist bullshit forever? You don't own us. You don't get to decide what we think. You have no fucking CLUE what it means to be one of us, and all the ivory tower critique you toss out on Twitter will do nothing to reverse your staggering ignorance of everyday Americans. No, not all of us want unchecked floods of mass immigration from 3'rd-World countries under radical Islamic occupation. No, not all of us give a flying shit about someone's pronouns or which peepee they're pretending to have between their legs at any given moment. No, not all of us can afford to care about muh refugees, because, since our social atmosphere has been shaped by dubious, out-of-touch faggots such as yourself, we now have more domestic problems than we can ignore. So if the starving children across the sea go hungry, or some Middle-Eastern civilians get their throats slashed by ISIS, they have you to thank for causing us so many of these issues here at home to take our focus off them. No, we don't want the shit you're trying to push on us - learn to deal with it, asshole.
    You fucking retards talk a big game about hate speech and division, but it's all you peddle. You're all divisive little bastards who try to segregate races into good guys and bad guys. You demonize and disenfranchise whites, you tell us we're all going extinct (and why it's a good thing!), and then suddenly you're fucking SHOCKED to see people posting Nazi frogs and voting for their own self-preservation? You stupid shit. You stupid, insolent shit. You fucking political infant. You have no agency of where you're at or who you're dealing with at all. That's what happens when you fall for your own lies.
    Then you have the nerve to tell us that our President hates us? No, YOU hate us. YOU have made that EXCEEDINGLY clear. YOU, and all your buddies, for YEARS, tearing us down and mocking us because we don't fall for globalist propaganda. You cannot hold your tongue against anyone who doesn't believe your shit. And if he does hate us? Well, you didn't leave us much of a choice here, did you? Yes: WE'RE REAL PEOPLE. No: WE'RE NOT GOING AWAY. You can take that notion and shove it right up your ass, you gelatinous sack of soured pudding. We don't give a shit what you think - you should have figured that out November 8'th.
    It's been fun watching all these meltdowns from your little jerk circle, all the moaning and the gnashing of teeth, but the one I was looking forward to the most was yours. And of course, you've reacted as predictably as I figured: You've been throwing an absolute shit fit for a solid month. It has been the most disgustingly entertaining temper tantrum I've witnessed since the election began. You've absolutely lost your mind in a blind rage, and what's worse, you know as well as I do that all the kicking and screaming in the world will not change the fact that Donald Trump is the 45'th President of your country, yet you still can't help but go into spastic outbursts at the first hint of a thoughtcrime. Your delivery was good, so I'll give you that.
    It's also a little disturbing to witness, to be honest. You're not nearly the only celebrity jackoff sperging out, but it's like watching a boarding house full of heroin junkies suddenly stop getting their fixes all at once. You became addicted to power - or the notion of it, rather - and had it suddenly snatched from you overnight. You thought you'd already won, that only your ideas and values would ever be allowed again, that you could torment and hector those who disagree with you with absolute impunity without repercussion, and now . . . well, now what? You took off that mask too soon. You can't just tell people their cultures are all going to be driven into extinction and not expect backlash - or, as your crowd likes to call it, "whitelash," which it is. Shoe doesn't feel too good on the other foot, does it, you fucking dyke-looking, bird-faced little cunt? Get used to it. We're people, just like blacks, and Hispanics, and every other flavor in between, and if you come after us, expect whitelash like you just got in November. The ride is fucking OVER for you. Shut your mouth while you're still ahead.
    So now, all you pieces of trash are shaking in fear of what comes next, not because Trump is literally Hitler, but because you've all got a guilty conscience for what you've said and done to us for so long. You're shaking because, for the first time in a long time, you have certifiable reason to fear the consequences of your actions and words. You disgust us much more than we disgust you. If given the chance, there are millions of people who would not hesitate to beat the living shit out of you or your peers for what you've done if they caught you out in public, myself included. Think about that for a second: Literal millions hate you to the point of beating you senseless. Millions. You'd better keep on flying over the flyover states, boy. Better stay in your blue state safe spaces. You're not popular here.
    There isn't enough rope in the world to deal with all you treasonous little shits. You deserve everything you've got coming to you. If you had any decency at all, you'd find a nice, quiet room and a Mossberg, and you'd blow your own fucking brains out. Why not? Go ahead, do the right thing. Who wants to live in a world full of evil white supremacist boogeymen, anyway? Aren't there really high bridges where you live? You wouldn't even have to spend any money. Just find a steppy stool, hoist that pale, flabby bag of shit you call a body over the ledge, and do a flip on the way down for bonus points. If I were your wife, I'd drop dead, too. Fuck you, you stupid prick.

 PS: ur wife is dead lol